
5 Effective Ways To Embrace Change


Change is hard, you go first.

There is so much irony in that statement.  We want a better life, a different life, but change is HARD! Instead of embracing the challenge of change, we run from it. The comfort of the current status quo is safer than the unknown.

What if we approached change with a new mindset and welcomed it?

Chances are you have experienced a huge change in your life. It is easy to allow the stress of change to overtake you if you are not conscious of how you are approaching it. When you are aware of your attitude and control your approach, your experience will create less stress and more joy.

Why does my attitude toward change matter?

The outcome of everything in life starts with your attitude toward it. If you can consciously change your attitude toward change then you can take the first step toward creating a better life for yourself and those around you. The only thing constant in this world is change. If you are constantly rejecting change instead of embracing it, you are creating an environment filled with stress instead of one focused on problem solving.

Problem solving is essential in change and if you are able to mentally prepare yourself for the problems that may present themselves, your experience will be more enjoyable. Focusing on problem solving helps you to release the things outside of your control during the environment of change.

I challenge you to approach change differently today.

How can we better accept change today than yesterday?

Taking action is always easier when there is a roadmap.

Here are a few steps and reminders that can help you to embrace change:

Allow yourself time to accept your new circumstances.
Release expectations that are not tied to behavior.
Empathize with others experiencing change and share your experience.
Allow yourself to feel frustrated, angry or irritated. Realizing, if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t make you better.
Remember your attitude is within your control, but the circumstances aren’t.
As always on this journey of life, give yourself and others grace.

God never asked for perfection.


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