
Five Lessons Learned in Five Years


As we approach our fifth anniversary at Light Consulting, I’m reflecting on many lessons learned along the way. These five years have been a whirlwind of growth, learning, and unexpected blessings for me and our team. Surely, there are many business/financial-based lessons we’ve encountered, but personally, these five lessons stand out to me most.

1. God is a much better author than me.
I’m constantly reminded that our journey with Light has been far more extraordinary than anything I could have accomplished myself. I had high hopes and big goals or I wouldn’t have started it in the first place and there have been moments of doubt and uncertainty along the way. But time and again, God has provided in ways I never imagined. The right opportunities, the perfect clients, and adding the right employee at just the right time. Trusting God’s plan is humbling and reassuring, showing me that the best outcomes often arise when we surrender control and have faith.

2. I’m not that powerful.
One of the most liberating lessons I’ve learned is that I’m not powerful enough to ruin someone’s day—or make it. When I tell myself a story about how someone will respond or react, I remember this. The truth is, everyone is dealing with their own lives and their own challenges. Understanding this has helped me to approach interactions with more calmness and clarity, knowing that I’m just a small part of someone else’s story.

3. The thing holding most people back is themselves.
Time and time again, I’ve seen people become their own biggest obstacle. Self-doubt, fear of failure, and negative self-talk cripples potential. Breaking free from these self-imposed barriers is key to unlocking personal and professional growth. We can do this by:

·   Encouraging each other to be the best versions of ourselves.

·   Remember that we are the sum of the people we surround ourselves with. By surrounding ourselves with those who challenge, inspire, and encourage us, we can run with endurance the race that God has set before us!

·   Light’s NorthStar is Your Goals are our Goals, which means that our goal as a team is to help each member reach their own personal goals.  

4. I still have a lot to learn.
Five years in, and I’m more aware than ever of how much I don’t know! The business world is constantly evolving, and staying curious and open to learning is crucial. Whether it’s new financial strategies, leadership techniques, or understanding market trends, there’s always more to grasp. This humility keeps us grounded and drives our continuous improvement. Every client interaction, every challenge, and every success is an opportunity to learn and grow. Luckily, I commute to work, which means I also have plenty of time to listen to audiobooks!

5. Everyone we encounter has pain, so be gentle.
Give Grace is one of our Core Values and we all have the opportunity to exercise it every single day. Everyone has their own battles, often invisible to the outside world. By approaching every interaction with kindness and understanding, we create a space where people feel valued and supported. This not only fosters strong relationships but also builds a positive, compassionate culture. We strive to be a source of encouragement and support, recognizing that a little gentleness goes a long way.

As we celebrate our fifth anniversary, I’m honored and thankful for all that God has done in and through us at Light Consulting. Here’s to many more years of learning, growing, and making a positive impact in the lives of those around us. Thanks for being a part of our journey! 


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